Partner With Influencers
Stop wasting time on random networking, and build the right connections to grow your business.

Get your custom plan for finding, connecting, and partnering with influencers who can help you grow your business.
(And do it in a way that feels good, removes the fear, and fills your client roster with your ideal people.)
Do you need a better way to grow your business?
When influential people share about you with a lot of your ideal clients, then your message gets heard by hundreds or thousands of potential customers, instead of a few at a time.
It’s like getting word-of-mouth referrals…but infinitely faster than just your neighbors and friends talking about you.
Influencer marketing is the most obvious proof that growing your business really is about who you know.
But if that’s the case…
Then what should you do if you don’t know anyone?
You need to connect with influencers in a way that will enable you to build a real relationship that’s mutually beneficial.
But you can’t build a real relationship with anyone without this one thing.
You need a foundation of human equality.
The only way to build real relationships – of any kind – is on a foundation of equality.
When you approach influencers feeling like you’re not good enough to talk to them, they know it. And they tend to agree.
To partner with influencers, you need to first find them…then connect with them…then approach them without offending them…and finally structure a partnership that’s mutually beneficial.
And that’s what you’ll get when you Partner With Influencers.
Partner With Influencers
Through weekly personal, one-on-one, hour-long calls, over the course of a month or two (however long you need) we’ll work together to create:
Your one-sentence “Core Message” description of what you do that will have your perfect partners leaning in and saying, “Tell me more,” because they can’t wait to learn about the value you can offer them and their audience
Your list of at least 25 hand-selected potential partners, including contact information for the right person
Custom templates for your email outreach to potential partners that will feel great for you to send and great for them to receive (even if the person you’re reaching out to is a total stranger)
A simple system for tracking exactly where you are in your outreach to each person so you never lose track of a conversation, and you always know the right next step to take with each influencer
A carefully crafted sales process that will take new people from discovering you through a partner introduction to becoming your customer, leveraging the type of partnership that’s the best fit for you and your business
A step-by-step plan for customizing and negotiating the structure of each partnership to make it a fit for you, your business, and your partner
A method for tracking the results you get from each partnership, so you can identify which ones are most successful and find more that are similar
At least three unique tailored-for-you influencer search strategies you can use to find new partners whenever you need them instead of wasting your time with random, scattershot networking
For just $125/call, get your custom strategy to partner with influencers
I know that reaching out to potential partners is the most important next thing for my business. But just getting ready to approach influencers for potentially partnering with me has left me feeling sick to my stomach. It’s felt SO overwhelmingly daunting.
Enter Lisa Baker. Lisa breaks down the big, scary project into bite-sized nuggets that I can begin to fathom. The simplicity and clarity she brings is heartening. I am almost looking forward to sending the next email!
Kel WilWhat’s in the calls?
Since this is a one-on-one program, your calls will be customized for you and your business needs. We’ll start where you need, focus on your priorities, and continue on a month-by-month basis till you’re done and ready to continue on your own. But here’s the general outline of what you can expect:
Call #1: Your Core Value Message
Call #2: Your Sales Path
Call #3: Identify Your Types of Partners
Call #4: Find Influencers
Call #5: Outreach Templates
Call #6: Negotiating Partnership Structures
Call #7: Tracking Results
Call #8: Questions
Your final call is for questions. If you want, you can delay this call till after you’ve had time to implement everything you’ve learned in the program. You can schedule this call at any time – while we’re working together or at any time in the future. Think of this last call as your “Bat phone” to get in touch with me if you get stuck at any point. It’s your bonus free call to get help down the road!
Join the program
Who am I, and what do I know about partner marketing?
I had worked in digital marketing since 2008, but I quickly fell in love with partner marketing for two reasons: first, because it’s all about relationships; and secondly, because it yields such big results. Over the past few years,
I’ve helped clients grow their email list steadily by 900 subscribers/month, launch products that generated as much as $2.5 million in revenue, and make more sales in one day than the whole previous month.
As a partner marketing manager, I’ve run affiliate launches, influencer campaigns, PR programs, and social media strategies. I’ve worked with clients in a lot of different industries, and I’ve developed a whole lot of systems and methods for connecting with influencers in an authentic, honest way and arranging partnerships that give a lot of value to both sides.

In the course of an afternoon, I would go from talking with an A-list blogger about how many sales he had made for my client’s promotion, to treating a homeless person’s infected toenail and talking about his children whom he hadn’t seen since he’d been on the streets.
In the first situation, I often felt inferior: I was just the promotions manager for my clients, providing information and service to the partner who seemed to be much more important than me. In the second situation, I felt superior: I was helping those “less fortunate” than I.
It’s this core belief, that real relationships can only grow on a foundation of radical human equality, that led me to question the way partner marketing is usually done, and that inspired me to create the Partner With Influencers program.

I want to partner with influencers on a foundation of equality!
$125/call. About eight calls. A custom Partner With Influencers strategy for your business.
Ready to sign up?
Is this a fit?
The Partner With Influencers Program might be perfect for you if…
You have a clear niche.
You have a reasonably strong business model.
Your business is ready to grow.
You're creative and you love trying new things.
You've got the time.
You’re willing and able to invest several hours a week over the next few months.
Are we a perfect match?
You care about social justice:
You're a social entrepreneur:
You say fuck a lot.
You talk fast:
You love community: